Sub-1Ghz technology is becoming one of the chief driving forces behind the Internet of Things (Iot) the main benefits of this technology are:
The low power consumption has always been the predominant feature of the sub 1GHz applications, with new technologies we consumption in sleep mode of less than 1 uA.
The Long Range has become a reality because with new technology you can reach distances of several kilometers in addition, by occupyng the ISM bands in the wireless spectrum belo 1 GHz, this communication avoids the much more crowded band at 2.4 GHZ, where Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, ZigBee and other wireless protocols operate.
The RadioControlli transceiver named RC-CC1310-XXX (CC1310 TI based), this module is ideal for use in IOT applications for the following reasons:
Ultra low power consumption, the consumption of this device is 5.5mA when receiving and 23.5mA when transmitting at +14dBm (13.4mA at +10dBm) in sleep mode the consumption is 0.6µA (microamps).
Long range operations, the sensitivity parameter is -110dBm at data rates of 50 kbps and down to -124dBm when the data rate is 0.625kbps.
Interference from other wireless communications can be overcome with 90dB of blocking.
The RF output power levels can reach up to +14dBm.
All this ensure a robust signaling for long range communications.
Ready for use Small Size for SMD mounting (Dimensions 15x 22mm) - Metal shield
Compliances CE Marked

Software Resources
SimpleLink (TI) designed to easily implement the long-range connectivity with low power consumption on the Internet of Things projects (IoT).
TI-15.4 Stack, IEEE802.15.4e/g Star Networking Software.
Mesh network stack Contiki 6LoWPAN.
TI RTOS Stack WMbus protocol.